art brushes, craft and model paints
chenile stems, glitter, felt and much more!
Nekoosa ares largest display of everyday and seasonal cards
kitchen spices and extracts 67 kinds
Hand knitting yarns, we can special order for you too!
DMC embroidery floss
Glue guns and adhesives
Large selection of baskets
Fresh old fashioned bulk candy
Lots of fleece jackets!
country art prints
We rent Rug Doctor carpet cleaners!
we sell decorative light sets all year!
New colors of vinyl tablecloth!
We have a lot of stuff for a small store!
How about a candy soda for a gift?
Check out our new Beavers Variety t-shirts!
New candle flavors!
We can special order model kits
Nekoosa shirts and sweaters
Cookie cutters!